1. DATADECRYPT is obliged to protect, confidentiality and secrecy of all information, personal data and/or databases to which it has access, including due to licensing or the operation of programs/systems, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, during all stages of the diagnosis and decryption process;
2. DATADECRYPT undertakes to implement sufficient technical and administrative measures aimed at the security, protection, confidentiality and secrecy of all information, personal data and/or databases to which it has access in order to avoid unauthorized access, accidents, accidental or illicit leaks that cause unforeseen destruction, loss, alteration, communication or any other form of treatment;
3. DATADECRYPT must ensure that all its employees, consultants and/or service providers who, in the exercise of their activities, have access and/or knowledge of information and/or personal data, respect the duty of protection, confidentiality and secrecy;
4. DATADECRYPT may not use information, personal data and/or databases to which it has access, for purposes other than carrying out diagnostic and decryption processes.;
5. DATADECRYPT may not make available and/or transmit to third parties information, personal data and/or databases to which it has access due to the execution of file diagnosis and decryption processes, except when there is formal written authorization from the client or contractor, police subpoena or court order;
6. DATADECRYPT is obliged to return to the customer and irretrievably discard all information to which it has access and all copies that may exist of the functional and encrypted data, whether in digital or physical format.;
7. After the execution and completion of the procedures, DATADECRYPT may keep the customer’s information as a backup copy for a period not exceeding 10 days, unless formally authorized by the customer;
8. The duty of secrecy and confidentiality and other obligations described will remain in force after the termination of relations between DATADECRYPT and the client, as well as between DATADECRYPT and its employees, consultants and/or service providers, under penalty of the sanctions provided for in the Data Protection Act 2018;
9. DATADECRYPT is obliged to maintain a representative to communicate with the client on matters relevant to the Data Protection Act 2018;
10. DATADECRYPT is obliged to provide a confidentiality agreement or N.D.A (non-disclosure-agreement) if it is formally requested by the client or service contractor;
11.The datadecrypt.uk website does not generate or intentionally use any type of “cookie” or digital tracking system that could compromise the confidentiality of the client’s or contractor’s information.